Actor Varun Dhawan recently acquired a luxury apartment in Mumbai’s Juhu for worth Rs. 86.92 Crore. According to the information, the property is in Twenty by Decor.
The actor shared ownership of the apartment with his mother Karuna David Dhawan at a price value of Rs. 42.40 Crore. The luxury apartment in Mumbai is on the sixth floor with a carpet area of 429.06 sq. meters (4,617 sq ft) and a built-up area of 471—96 sq mtr (5,069 sq ft.).
The stamp duty value for registering this property is Rs. 2.54 Crore and the registration fee is Rs. 30,000 according to Square Yards.
The actor bought another luxury apartment on the seventh floor in the same property with his wife Natasha. It is valued at Rs. 44.52 Crore with a carpet area of 5,112 sq ft. The built-up area for the same is 5,624 sq ft.
Both these real estate purchase transactions in January are recorded with the Inspector General of Registration (IGR).
Celebrities prefer to Invest in Luxury Apartments in Mumbai
Singer and Indian Idol fame Rahul Vaidya buys luxury apartments in Mumbai worth Rs. 9 Crore. The purchase news came after Square Yards, assessed the property registration document. The newly bought property is in DLH Signature, a luxury residential project by the DLH Group rendering 3BHK, 4BHK, and 5BHK apartments in Bandra, Mumbai.
The premium properties along with world-class amenities are widespread in a 1.25-acre area. Located in Bandra West, a prominent locality for celebrity investors in the recent past.
Also Read: Mumbai records high Property Registration in August; Residential Segment Leads
With high net worth neighbours, the finest amenities and conveniences make Bandra the popular choice for investment amongst celebrities.
As per square Yards, the apartment bought by Rahul Vaidya has an approximate carpet area of 3,110 sq ft. For this, the famous singer paid a stamp duty of Rs. 56.37 lakh and a registration fee of Rs. 30,000.